今すぐ使える英単語!Book 3
Book 3を出版いたしました!
Book 3を出版いたしました!
One of my very favorite physical activities is ice skating, but I don’t get to do it as often as I’d like. Having done quite a lot of work the last few days, I decided to use my soon-to-be-gone free time today to go up to Kagawa and get in a good session on the ice.
Now, I’m not a bad skater, but I’m also far from excellent, particularly since I’ve done almost no skating at all over the past three years or so. Happily, I learned, was taught by a friendly older skater, a new skill today, which made the drive doubly worthwhile.
If only Tokushima would have the courage to build a skate rink…
Well, we’re finally trying to tidy things up and make better use of the space we’ve got here on the page. I’ll be putting up the university audio courses as soon as I can (today, if possible!!), plus some more sharing options and a link to the second ebook on Kindle (hooray!). All of this points to a new phase in which I will be centering information about my work, projects, and life in Japan here on this website/blog. It’s probably about time, haha! At the very least, writing more consistently is never a bad thing to aspire to.
初めての方、こちらでパズルのやり方を確かめてください ?
Our first puzzle! ? 英語力アップ!!!
PUZZLE: Four men like reading books.
What kind of books do they like to read? How many books do they read per year?
Names: Paul, Matt, Mark, Robert
Books read per year: 3, 6, 12, 24